Philadelphia Eagles Sign Mekhi Becton: A Valuable Addition to the Offensive Line

The Philadelphia Eagles have made a notable addition to their offensive line by signing Mekhi Becton. Originally brought in to serve as a swing tackle for the starters Jordan Mailata and Lane Johnson, Becton has quickly proven his versatility and potential value to the team.

In a turn of events, Tyler Steen suffered an ankle injury, leaving a vacancy at the starting right guard position. The coaching staff wasted no time in reorganizing their strategies, and during his first practice with the first team, Becton lined up as the right guard. Impressively, he managed to neutralize Jalen Carter in 11-on-11 drills, showcasing his readiness to adapt and perform under pressure.

Becton's initial days at training camp were marked by his absence from practice. However, this in no way hindered his development or engagement with the team. On the sidelines, Becton stayed actively involved, learning from his teammates and providing support to those on the field. His integration into the team has been met with positive feedback from players and coaches alike.

One such affirmation came from the Eagles’ left guard, Landon Dickerson, who said, "I think Mekhi is doing great. He's had to bounce around a few positions. We had some guys get banged up. Nothing different than what happens during the season, right?" Dickerson’s comment highlights Becton’s flexibility and readiness to step into various roles as needed.

A Crucial Role

Coach Nick Sirianni expressed his satisfaction with Becton's performance so far, stating, "I'm looking forward to that. Mekhi has had a good camp so far and looking forward to getting him some work next to Lane [Johnson] and continuing to work forward with that." This endorsement from the coach underscores the critical role Becton is expected to play, especially with the uncertainty surrounding Steen's return.

Despite the challenges, Becton remains unfazed and ready for any situation. "I know I'm not, like that wasn't the thing when they signed me here. I don't have to get ready. I just know when my number is called I'm always gonna be ready. If I can start, I'll start. If I don't, I'll be ready," he remarked. This statement reflects his professional mindset and dedication to the team’s success.

Landon Dickerson also pointed out the added value Becton brings to the team, emphasizing, "We have a guy that can swing at both guard and tackle, can play both guard spots. That's a lot of value in the NFL. He's able to play four out of five positions." Such versatility is indispensable in the highly competitive landscape of the NFL, where injuries and adjustments are commonplace.

Looking Forward

While Becton’s primary assignment might be fortifying the Eagles’ second-team offensive line, the potential for him to step up to the first team remains significant. With the absence of detailed information regarding Tyler Steen’s recovery timeline, Becton’s role could expand, granting him more opportunities to prove his abilities on a grander stage.

Becton’s adaptability and preparedness have already started to pay dividends for the team. Reflecting on the support he received from Becton during the early days of camp, a teammate noted, "The first few days he wasn't practicing, but he was definitely in my ear the whole time and telling me what I was doing wrong. He's been a great help." These anecdotes reveal the impact of Becton's presence, both on and off the field.

As the season progresses, the Eagles will undoubtedly look to leverage Becton’s multifaceted skills. His journey with the team thus far exemplifies the qualities of resilience and teamwork, setting an encouraging precedent for his tenure with the Philadelphia Eagles.